Message for the Day…” Shiva must be seen thro the two horns of Nandi…”

Sathya Sai Baba

When visiting a temple of Lord Shiva, none should pass between the bull (Nandi) and the Lingam – the Jiva (individual soul) and Lord Shiva, it is said; for they are to merge into one. Shiva must be seen through the two horns of Nandi, they say. When asked the reason for this procedure people reply, “Well, it is holier than other methods of viewing the Lingam”. But the inner meaning is, ‘You must see the Shiva in Jiva’ – Pasu (animal) and Pasupathi (Lord of all beings) are one: Nandi and Iswara become Nandiswara. When in bondage, it is Nandi; when the bound becomes free, it is Iswara – Nandiswara! This Union is entitled to be honoured. When Pasu is offered to the Pasupathi, and its separate identity is cast away, it is true Yajna (sacrifice). Today, these symbolic acts have changed beyond recognition. The practices of today and the principles of yesterday are far apart – the smallest detail of secular life must be inspired by the higher ideal of spiritual fulfillment.


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